Creating captions

Creating captions

In this article you will learn how to create and comment on video clips using captions.

Before you begin

Captions can be created on both images and videos. To learn how to add files in BanyanBoard, refer to this article.

Creating a caption

The chart below shows the journey you will take to create a caption.

  1. Click the "+" button at the top of the left panel. This action will create a new annotation.
  2. Once clicked, the annotation will appear on the right side, labeled with the default caption "Caption". Note that a caption is mandatory for each annotation.
  3. Click on the "Click to close annotation" button to close the annotation.

Viewing caption and annotation

  1. Click once on the caption's name to navigate the video to the corresponding caption.
  2. Double-click the caption's name to open the annotation and view its details.

Editing caption and description

  1. To access the feature to edit the caption and description of an annotation, there are two methods available after opening the annotation.
    1. Click on the "Edit Caption and Timing" button. 
    2. Alternatively, double-click on the caption's name.
  2. Upon selecting either method, input boxes will appear below, allowing you to edit the caption and description.
  3. After making your edits, click on the "SAVE" button to apply and save the changes.

Changing start and end times of caption

  1. To edit the start and end times of a caption, there are two methods available after opening the annotation.
    1. Click on the "Edit Caption and Timing" button. 
    2. Alternatively, double-click on the caption's name.
  2. Once clicked, you can change start time and end time of caption in three ways like shown below.
    1. Drag the slider and adjust start time and end time.
    2. Click on the upward downward arrow keys in the input boxes of start time and end time.
    3. Use backspace and clear the input boxes of start time and end time and type in the start time and end time that you wish to give.

Email notifications

  1. Once you create a caption, all users in the organization with at least viewer privileges for the current folder will receive an email notification like shown below.
  2. By clicking on the "Annotation" link in the email, you will be redirected to the specific annotation within the file.

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