Simplifying tagging with tag panels

Simplifying tagging with tag panels

In this article, you will learn how to simplify tagging using tag panels.

Simplifying tagging with tag panels

As analysts, you often encounter hundreds of buttons while tagging matches. Navigating through numerous buttons and accurately selecting the desired ones can be cumbersome. In specific match scenarios, you don't need access to all buttons, just a select few. For instance, if a player scores a goal, you might only require the left foot goal and right foot goal buttons. Similarly, for a shot on target, the left foot shot and right foot shot buttons may suffice. To assist you in these situations, we offer the tag panels feature within SPAN. Tag panels enable you to activate a subset of buttons by clicking on associated buttons. You can fully customize the number of tag panels based on the specific subsets of buttons you need. For guidance on creating a tag panel, adding and linking buttons, and exploring other features of tag panels, please refer to the other articles in this section.

For example, as shown below, when you click the "Goal" button, only the "Left Foot" and "Right Foot" buttons are enabled, while the others become disabled.

For example, as shown below, when you click the "Shots On Target" button, only the "Left Foot" and "Right Foot" buttons are enabled, while the others become disabled.

Showing all labels
  1. You can display all the label buttons of the tag template by clicking on the "SHOW ALL LABELS" button, which is highlighted in purple.
  2. Upon clicking, all labels present in the tag template, whether they are part of the tag panel or not, will appear.

Note: Tag panels do not hide primary category buttons in the Tagger app. Through tag panels, you can only show or hide specific label buttons that are added to a tag panel.

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