Select and highlight home and away players

Select and highlight home and away players

In this article, you will learn how to select and highlight home and away players in the Creator app.

Before you begin

  1. To efficiently select and highlight home and away players in a video using the Creator app, begin by selecting and removing the video's background color using chroma key feature.
  2. To learn how to select and remove background in a video using chroma key feature, refer to this article.

Select and highlight players

  1. Players from home and away teams can be identified and selected based on their respective jersey colors.
  2. Subsequently, you can highlight these players by employing ground ellipse and skylight features.

Select home and away colors

  1. After using the chroma key feature to select and remove the background in a video, pause the video and navigate to a specific frame where the jersey colors of home and away players are distinctly visible.
  2. Next, click on the "Detect people" button in the left panel or simply press the "D" key.
  3. This action will expand the menu, revealing additional button options.
  4. Next, click on the "Select home color" button; the default color is red. Then, select the jersey color of a home player in the video, as shown below.
  5. Similarly, click on the "Select Away Color" button; the default color is blue. Proceed to select the jersey color of an away player in the video, as shown below.

Ground ellipse highlight

  1. After setting the colors for home and away players, proceed to click on the players within the video frame, as shown below.
  2. Once clicked, a ground ellipse highlight will emerge, displaying the respective colors for home and away players, as depicted below.

Skylight highlight

  1. After expanding the "Detect people" button in the left panel, the skylight highlight feature is enabled by default, casting a skylight on players as you click on them within the video frame.
  2. Contrary to the ground ellipse, which can highlight multiple players with successive clicks, the skylight feature is designed to highlight only one player at a time with each click.
  3. To deactivate the skylight, you can either click on the "Activate skylight" toggle button or press the "S" key. To reactivate it, repeat the same process.

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